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Terms of Use


These Terms and Conditions of Use apply to all users of the Grupo Almeida Junior online platforms (“Almeida Junior”): websites, applications, Wi-Fi and CRM (“Platforms”). In order to be able to use the referred platforms, it is necessary that all users read and agree with these Terms and Conditions of Use, as well as the Privacy Policy, as well as other rules and terms that may be available on specific pages of the platform and/or that are communicated to users.

By accepting this Term, the User declares to be fully and civilly capable, and therefore able to use all the features provided by the website, applications, Wi-Fi and CRM.

Users are fully responsible for registering and updating their personal data on our platforms, which may be updated at any time through the contact channels available on these platforms.

Data will be considered: name, phone number, e-mail, date of birth, gender, CPF [Individual Taxpayer Identification Number] and ID number, ZIP CODE, occupation, address, profession and professional activities, tastes and preferences, among others that may be requested.

Almeida Junior reserves the right to use all valid and possible means to identify its users, as well as to request additional data and valid identification document that it considers pertinent in order to verify the personal data informed.

If, for any reason, it is necessary to verify a user’s registration information and it is determined that the information is incorrect or untrue, or if the user refuses to send the documents required for verification, Almeida Junior may suspend, definitively or not, the user’s registration, without prejudice to other measures it deems necessary and appropriate.

The storage of user data collected through the Almeida Junior Platforms will respect the term in accordance with the statutes of limitations under Brazilian law.

The aforementioned consent, however, may be revoked by the User at any time, upon request available at the appropriate location, application and Wi-Fi, at which time the data and information that may have been collected here will be deleted, except if their storage arises from a legal obligation or in case of different legal basis for the treatment of data, provided that the Brazilian legislation is respected.

Upon acceptance, the User declares to:

  1. Be aware that you are solely and exclusively responsible for your registration on the Platform, and that Almeida Junior cannot be held liable for any losses arising from the entry of outdated, inaccurate or untrue information;
  2. Acknowledge that, on your own initiative, you accept and are responsible for any consequences arising from your use of the site, application, Wi-Fi and eCRM, and are liable, including to third parties, for any claim that may be presented to Almeida Junior, in or out of court, due to any moral and/or material damage arising from your conduct in the use of these Platforms;
  3. Understand that the Platforms shall not be used for any illicit purposes, and the Brazilian legislation in force shall be observed;
  4. Be aware that you may not insert any illicit content on the Platforms and/or content that may violate the rights of Almeida Junior and/or third parties;
  5. Be aware that no content or material capable of incorporating harmful elements to the Platforms may be inserted into them, by any means or form, capable of preventing the normal operation of the Platforms, as well as damaging its systems or those of third parties, and/or damaging documents and/or electronic files stored thereon;
  6. Understand that the login and password provided for access to the Almeida Junior Platforms are of a strictly confidential, individual and non-transferable nature, exempting it from any and all liability for damages and losses arising from the undue use of these.

Almeida Junior is not responsible for any advertising offers and for the content available in banners, pop-ups, windows, links and other forms of advertising, or websites, if such offers are made by third parties other than Almeida Junior, its parent companies and subsidiaries.

Almeida Junior guarantees high availability of its services offered on its digital platforms, however, unavailability periods may occur due to preventive and corrective maintenance actions, or on the occasion of hacker attacks, virus actions, malware, script errors, file corruption, security breach, incompatible programs or any others that prevent the correct display of the content available on the sites; does not assume any responsibility for direct or indirect damages caused by virtue of the access to the platforms or the impossibility to access them.

Almeida Junior, its parent companies, subsidiaries or affiliates will not be jointly and severally liable for claims or legal proceedings filed by any user against users who disrespect the rules of this document.

Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary contained in this policy, under no circumstances will Almeida Junior, its parent companies, subsidiaries and/or affiliates be liable, regardless of motive or reason, for any kind of special losses and damages, consequences or indirect, including, but not limited to, loss of profits, non-material damage, loss of expected savings, loss of contracts, loss of business, loss of goodwill or shares of third parties, even if such losses and damages were reasonably foreseeable or Almeida Junior has been advised of the possibility of such losses and damages.

The User, by continuing to use Almeida Junior’s services or platforms, agrees and is aware that Almeida Junior will have no liability, whether contractual or non-contractual, for any property or non-material damages, including, without limitation, damages for loss of profit, loss of goodwill or information funds or other intangible losses resulting from:

  1. Use or inability to use the service or platform;
  2. ii. Cost of acquiring goods or services, information and data by or through this service, or receiving messages, or transactions established with the use of this service or platform;

iii. Unauthorized access to transmissions or user information, as well as changes thereof;

  1. iv. third party guidelines or conducts on the service;
  2. for reasons of force majeure or fortuitous event and acts performed by the User himself.

The User acknowledges the intellectual property rights, trademarks and patents of third party providers of the websites, portals and platforms that make content available, and undertakes not to violate them, using it only when duly licensed.

The commercial use of the brand, business name or domain name, as well as the contents of the screens related to Almeida Junior platforms as well as its programs, databases, networks and files, which allow the user to access and use its account, are the property of Almeida Junior and are protected by international copyright laws and treaties, trademarks, patents, models and industrial designs.

Almeida Junior’s digital platforms receive and store cookies, which are personal data captured during access. Cookies are used for statistical purposes and to improve the user experience.

All data that Users provide for access to the service through security protocols is protected in order to ensure their privacy and authenticity as they travel over the Internet. However, full security of the information and/or data sent is not guaranteed, in case events occur that cause fortuitous cases or reasons of force majeure, which is why users expressly waive any claim against Almeida Junior due to loss of data that may be suffered due to unauthorized access and/or security breach.

Almeida Junior will take the necessary measures to maintain the confidentiality and security described, but will not be responsible for loss that may be derived from the violation of these measures by third parties who use public networks or the Internet, subverting security systems to access the information of users.

Any question, complaint, request, suggestion or comment, including regarding the revocation of consent, that the User has in relation to these Terms or the Platform, in general, may be made through the “Contact Us” on the Almeida Junior group website,

Without prejudice to the provisions of this document, Almeida Junior reserves the right to prevent the User’s use and access to the services and platforms made available by it when it finds their misuse that harms the purpose for which they are provided or harms the Internet community in general.