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Sustainability – ESG

ESG at Almeida Junior Group

Concerned about providing a more sustainable and inclusive lifestyle for future generations, the Almeida Junior Group is committed to carrying out sustainable, social and governance actions that ensure the well-being of the communities where its units are located.

Donation campaigns, use of sustainable technologies, adoption of practices that encourage the improvement of the environment and quality of life are part of the daily routine of the company’s six malls: Neumarkt and Norte Shopping (Blumenau), Balneário Shopping (Balneário Camboriú), Garten Shopping (Joinville), Continente Shopping (Greater Florianópolis) and Nações Shopping (Criciúma).

Focusing on the implementation of ESG rules (acronym for Environmental, Social, and corporate Governance), Almeida Junior included effective actions in its business plan. And it will continue to increase its commitment with these practices, as it believes that it has a strong active role in building a better future for the next generations.


Actions that seek to protect and promote the environment.

Garbage sorting and recycling

The chain’s six malls have garbage bins scattered throughout the mall and food court to receive their respective waste – whether organic, paper, metal, plastic, glass or cooking oil used in restaurants.

Every month, around 44.8 tons of cardboard and paper, almost three tons of plastics and another 715 kilos of metallic items are collected and sorted. Organic waste is removed by a specialized company that composts.

Rainwater harvesting and artesian wells

Rainwater is collected, directed to a cistern that feeds the bathrooms and supplies water for use in the gardens and for cleaning.

Artesian wells are also used, which supply approximately 70% of the water need.

Energy saving

Replacement of metallic vapor and fluorescent lamps for LED models, more economical and less polluting.

Almeida Junior was also certified to operate in the Free Energy Market. Based on short, medium and long-term energy consumption planning, a partnership was signed with traders to mediate with distributors, through bilateral contracts, with individually negotiated amounts, as well as contracted terms and volumes.

Electric car charger

The Group Almeida Junior already had chargers for electric cars a few years ago. But, in 2021, the company made a partnership with Porsche Brazil and installed new charging stations for electric vehicles to increase the electric corridor in the state. Free of charge, visitors can recharge their cars peacefully, while enjoying the services offered by the group’s malls, such as a food court, cinema and stores. The stations are compatible with all electric or plug-in hybrid car models that have a Type 2 charging standard.


Almeida Junior malls have vivarium for replanting the plants that decorate the six units. In this way, they receive all the due care to return to their vivacity and natural beauty.


Actions related to social responsibility and the impact of companies and entities in favor of the community and society.

Inclusion of people with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder)

Employees at all Almeida Junior malls received training and qualifications to care for people with this disorder. Exclusive parking spaces were also created for people with ASD, in addition to allowing them to use the preferential spaces intended for people with disabilities.

LIBRAS course for concierge teams

To promote the inclusion of deaf people in the shopping mall environment, improve communication and provide quality service, Almeida Junior promoted yet another training session, this time aimed at teaching Brazilian Sign Language to the concierge teams.

Good Influencers Bazaar

Donation focused on fashion involving people from society, influencers and the press, in order to contribute to the community in which each mall is inserted. The action had the partnership of more than 100 sponsors, including digital influencers, communicators, shopkeepers, partners, suppliers and influential people in the city to collect donations and organize a bazaar of clothes, shoes and accessories. The campaign had two editions, being the first edition in 2018. Together, the editions sold 4,956 pieces that raised more than BRL 111,000. This amount was used to purchase 50 new television sets for Hospital Infantil Dr. Jeser Amarante Faria, which assists children undergoing cancer treatment, and for the acquisition of 30 new hemodialysis chairs for the Fundação Pró Rim Clinic, expanding the capacity to carry out more than 120 consultations per day.

AJ Soma Program

Out of the almost 1,000 direct employees, 46% of the team is made up of women.

The group understands the importance of diversity and inclusion in the company and seeks to encourage diversity in all layers of the company, equality of opportunities between the different profiles of professionals and an exclusive environment in all spheres of the company’s relationship, being an agent of transformation in the society.

AJ Cuida Program

Monitoring the employee’s life cycle: onboarding, experience evaluation, training, actions for talent retention, performance evaluation, evaluation of the termination interview process. Monitoring of all processes related to the area of Occupational Medicine and Safety.

In the Social pillar, actions are also carried out within the AJ Apoia Program, such as:

  • Empty Store – Project that encourages customers to donate used items in good condition to fill the shelves and hangers of a completely empty store. In the last edition, 5,263 pieces of clothing were collected in the six malls.
  • Tree of Dreams – With this action, Almeida Junior malls act as an intermediary between customers and children served by institutions that operate in the communities where we are present. A tree is set up in an area of the mall, containing cards with names and information about the children of these institutions. Customers can choose one of these cards and gift it to children.
  • Adoption Fair – Every month, Almeida Junior malls promote, in partnership with animal protection institutions and NGOs, a meeting between customers and animals looking for a new home.
  • Cine Maternal – Aimed at mothers, fathers and babies up to 18 months old, each movie session is specially programmed to provide a friendly environment, with film sound and soft air conditioning, a lightly lit room and a rubber mat for babies who are already crawling or walking.
  • Happy Store – Partnership with McDonald’s and entities benefiting from the McHappy Day campaign, by the restaurant chain. The malls participate with spaces for the sale of campaign t-shirts and tickets.

Other social responsibility initiatives have also been adopted by the Almeida Junior group – organ donation, vaccination, combating glaucoma, seminars for female emancipation, Blue April (Autism Awareness), Pink October (Breast Cancer Prevention) and Blue November (prostate cancer prediction) are some of the topics covered by awareness campaigns throughout the shopping center chain. There are also campaigns to collect food and toy donations.

Covid-19 Combat

Donating ventilators to hospitals during the pandemic

In 2020, at the height of the pandemic, each mall donated two respirators imported from Germany to the cities where they are present.

Support for Vaccination Campaigns

In partnership with the Municipal Health Departments of each region, it promoted vaccination against Covid-19 in spaces provided by the malls.

Corporate Governance

Axis linked to policies, ethical conduct, processes, strategies and guidelines for the company’s management, establishing the conditions for good decision-making and the maintenance of a long-term relationship with its stakeholders.

B3 Novo Mercado

Almeida Junior, when listing its shares on B3, will join the Novo Mercado segment, which establishes rules for the highest level of corporate governance. The rules imposed aim to grant transparency regarding the activities and economic situation of the companies to the market, as well as greater powers for minority shareholders to participate in the management of the companies, among other rights.

Independent Board Members

Almeida Junior currently has 2 independent members on its board of directors, who contribute with their respective external experiences, for the benefit of better governance and profitability.

Audit Committee

Almeida Junior is committed to strengthening its processes, internal controls and risk management practices. To this end, it created an Audit Committee with independent members with extensive experience in the area.

Independent Audit

Almeida Junior has its financial statements audited by the Big Four company since 1994 and by Ernst Young since 2011, which reinforces its commitment to transparency.

Female Presence in Administration

Almeida Junior seeks to promote a healthy and meritocratic work environment. The code of conduct, which is extended to all group companies, ensures internal policies and guidelines regarding diversity, anti-corruption practices, harassment, child or forced labor. This effort translates into a greater presence of women in our management bodies, which, in the company’s view, favors decision-making.

Body % Women % Men
Board of Directors 40 % 60 %
Executive Board (Statutory and Non-Statutory) 56 % 44 %
Audit Committee 67 % 33 %

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